Ah, this mink! All girls in the world dream of a mink fur coat. Today we will talk about the types of mink. For a long time the breeding of this animal has been put on a professional basis. Mink is bred on the farms of Scandinavia, Holland, Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Russia, Canada, USA.

At the heart of all the folding mink lies the same biological species - the American one. However, depending on the place of breeding and feeding, the fur of this animal has completely different properties.

It is possible to divide the entire world market into several types.

The Russian mink has a high hanging hair and a medium density of the underarm, which makes it look slightly shaggy. The Russian mink has only one plus - it's cheap. In the world market, this breed is classified as the lowest quality.

The Scandinavian mink is the most widespread on the planet. About 80% of the world market of the folding mink is Scandinavian. The main features are a flat awn of medium height and a thick undercut. If the sub-canopy is higher, this is the Finnish breeding of the animal, if the low sub-duck is the Danish selection. Another difference of the Danish type is a gentle and even awn. There is still a classification of skins in subgroups, approaching the North American mink. For example, the "velvet" variety is the highest grade of the Danish mink.

 The North American mink is a low-hair mink with the effect of natural velvet. A characteristic feature of the North American mink is not so much awn, as a thick undercut. Thin peaks of awn are as if separated from each other by hairs of a pod, which creates  the "velvet effect".

The wear performance and heat protection are very slightly different within the same type of fur. The skins with low center hair like the North American and the Danish type are more long wearing, then the Finnish mink comes, and finally the group finishes - the Russian mink.