Since ancient times, sable fur was considered a miracle of nature, a pride of Russian rulers. The fur of this animal is the most famous and exclusive commodity of Russia.

The fur coat from sable was considered a visiting card of all the royal families of Russia, emphasizing their importance. Russian monarchs were awarded sable for special services to the Fatherland, presented foreign guests and ambassadors. 

Historically, sable fur cost fabulous money and was unavailable to the vast majority. At the beginning of the 20th century the sable coat cost as much as a decent house cost. Today the sable keeps his high status.

In the modern world, sable fur is not just fur, which is used in outerwear, but also a sign of belonging to the highest social status. Sable products in our time are becoming more fashionable, more popular and more in demand. As well as diamonds, expensive sports cars, sable fur is considered a symbol of prosperity.

Prices for sable pelts depend on: 1) the characteristic of the pile - its silkiness and density; 2) tint or color of the skin. Sable color varies from sandy-yellow to dark-brown, almost black with silver - the darker the skin, the more expensive is the fur; 3) gray or silver pile - the more gray hair, the higher the price; 4) the size of the skin. Fur auctions most accurately take into account market demand.  Of all kinds of fur, the sable has the greatest variance in the cost of raw materials, from 50 to 1,500 dollars for a skin.

Sable fur is very practical to use. Due to the fact that the hairline is firmly connected with the skin, the fur of this animal for a long time does not lose its silkiness. Sable takes a leading position among wear-resistant fur.

The authority of the sable is beyond doubt - this is the fur for the selected.