So, we decided to write about it separately. Fur and car - this is very important issue. Inevitably, when choosing a fur coat, you should always consider your regular trips in the car, especially if you are driving.

First of all it concerns the length - the floors of the unbuttoned fur coat should not lie on the floor. A comfortable coat, not constraining the movements – is suitable to drive a car. For permanent car trips such fur coats like chinchilla, astrakhan are not suitable, as well as furs  with a very long nap: fox, raccoon.

There are a lot of examples from real life, when the lucky owner of a beautiful fur coat, after a short while, discovers a number of defects and flaws on her, blaming only her own car. What are these defects and flaws, and why driving a car in a fur coat can damage it or even ruin it? What is it about? If  you travel in a car dressed in fur coat for a long time, this reduces the service life of your fur product, or even completely ruins it.

 Many owners of their fur garments often forget that natural fur always has the maximum temperature of welding leather fabric. If the fur coat heats up often and strongly, so that the temperature exceeds this side-altar, an irreversible process will start with the fur coat - it will become rustic and brittle. This inadmissible heating can occur unnoticed from you, if you often use the function of heating the seat in your car.

So, a fur coat and a car are two things that do not particularly love each other, and if they are not properly looked after, their relationships can end badly.