A woman is born to be beautiful. It is inherent in it by nature. Clothes play a paramount role for any woman. After all, it has long been proven that properly selected clothing helps better than any therapist.

And as a rule - there are no ugly women, there are ugly clothes! Especially in winter time, when nature plays with all 50 shades of gray, the fantasy is necessary. Fashion today is so diverse and bright, free and liberated, cozy and beautiful!

The most important criteria to consider when selecting clothes are like or dislike! That's all! Of course, it is necessary to cultivate your own style; this is work that does not stop for any woman ever. However, this is the work that any woman likes. Especially fashion is not high mathematics, it's  just a game. And, the game is not for the elite, but for everyone! Therefore, there is no special need to talk about new fashion trends, you can find a lot of information on the official sites of the haute couture week in New York, Paris, Milan, Moscow. What every woman needs to know is: I like – I don’t like or I want – I don’t want!

And finally, here is a tip from the fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko: "Choosing ordinary clothes, you choose an ordinary life."

The choice is yours, ladies!