Coming to rest on the Greek Islands, the average tourist is surprised to be there fur shops. It would seem - the sun, the sea, endless beaches and, suddenly, fur coats!

In fact, everything is quite easily explained. Many people know about the fur capital of Europe, the Greek city of Kastoria. It is here, in the North-West of mainland Greece that most of Europe's fur products are produced. Needless to say how developed in this city skill furriers, how reverent family furriers relate to their work, how to transfer knowledge and skills from generation to generation, improving the technology of fur manufacture. 

However, for a fur coat is not necessary to go to Castor. In the summer, for more than 40 years, or rather from the 70s of the 20th century, your journey can begin and end on the largest island of Greece – Crete. With the development of tourism on this wonderful island, more and more manufacturers began to bring to Crete their fur gold-fur coats. 

That is why - coats in Crete, it's not just beautiful words or slogan, it is also a great combination of summer holidays with a successful purchase of coats from the manufacturer. Thus, the production of fur products in Greece does not stop.  What you can see just by visiting our shopping center. Hence the cycle of furs in Greece! In summer they are sold on the Islands: fur coats in Crete, and in winter – in the European fur capital - city of Kastoria.  At any time of the year, Greece is very beautiful. The main thing – to choose the day!