Golf is a wonderful type of outdoor activity. Without requiring excessive physical exertion, it allows you to plunge into a stunning atmosphere, conducive to communication, ideal for both business meetings and family pastime.

Golf is now gaining momentum. The already vast, game base of Greek golf clubs expands annually, replenished with new venues. The favorable local climate allows you to train and play almost all year round. Especially on the island of Crete, where there are more than 300 sunny days a year.

Golf is a separate culture that carefully preserves many traditions. Beginners are always told the legend of how an ordinary shepherd, wandering along the coastal dunes, with nothing to do, hit a round stone with a stick and accidentally rolled him into a rabbit hole. Then he was joined by friends who liked the new fun. Later the stones were replaced with gutta-perching balls, rabbit holes - with holes, and clubs were used instead of sticks.

Engaging in golf means more than just getting involved in a new sport - it is, rather, joining a very special culture: rich in traditions, aesthetic, aristocratic and multifaceted.

Developing and undergoing changes, over time the game of golf has split into several types: classic big golf, mini-golf, office golf and even virtual golf! But they are united by a common essence - the ball must be driven into the hole, making the least number of strokes.

However, nothing can replace the luxury of playing in a real, well-prepared field with an interesting and stunning surrounding landscape. Therefore, if you want to combine the pleasure of the sea and the sun with your favorite game, come to about. Crete, where at your service fields that meet the highest world standards. Coming into an aristocratic sport, we do not forget yet another attribute of luxury - a furry beauty, a Greek fur coat. And here, Diamond Furs is at your service, and it has long been a fact: shopping - a center in Gouves worthy of your attention, because 40 years on the market and our own factory speak for themselves. Welcome to Crete, and you will not be indifferent from this wonderful island.