At the initiative of Fur Europe, a new forum of discussion will be launched in 2020 in the European Parliament: the Sustainable Fur Forum (SFF).

The Furs Sustainable Development Forum intends to address topics relevant to the political priorities of the next European Commission, including the European Green Agreement, the new circular economy action plan and the 2030 biodiversity conservation strategy. These axes can find answers in various areas of interest to the fur sector:

- Circular fashion: a fashion that respects the environment and animal welfare and is based on traceability, transparency and skills.

- Slow fashion: promoting biodegradable, recyclable, renewable, reusable and durable materials such as natural fur.

- Consumer rights protection: providing consumers with safe products, as well as correct and relevant information.

- Animal welfare: for scientifically sound decisions through the independent development of reliable indicators for assessing animal welfare.

- Invasive alien species: protection of biodiversity, taking into account socio-economic aspects.

On all of these topics, SFF will offer high-level expertise and scientific knowledge in a variety of ways, including seminars, roundtables, and farm trips to help decision makers formulate decisions on issues that are high on the European political agenda.

The events will bring together European politicians and relevant stakeholders, which will allow for a balanced and constructive debate. The forum will also offer a fresh look at natural fur as a responsible and sustainable material that ideally meets the needs of our society for a more circular use of resources.

The member of the European Parliament Juozas Olekas (Lithuania) was elected the chairman of the forum, Manolis Kefalogiannis (Greece) became the vice-chairman.