What is Cretan cuisine? What is its difference from others, and what special does it have? A feature of the Cretan cuisine is the use of only natural products, given by nature, careful attitude to each product, to each component.

 The tastes are not mixed and dishes are not served with complicated sauces.

In the Cretan cuisine, each product retains its taste, its identity and color. The taste of one product never duplicates the taste of the other; they all coexist harmoniously, this is the fragile balance that characterizes the cuisine in Crete.

Cretan cuisine, like the island itself, - is a way of life, simple, without unnecessary adornments, without complex spices and flavor enhancers. But at the same time multifaceted and very tasty. The whole secret of the cuisine of this island lies in her imagination and creativity. Local people can eat the same food every day, but they will never eat the same dishes. They find ways to emphasize and highlight the taste of each product and dish as a whole.

In fact, the kitchen is much more than just food. This is a separate philosophy with its own culture of behavior and nutrition. Therefore, it is simply impossible to analyze it in one aritcle. This is a story for several books...