Times are changing as well as our requests. That’s why, we decided to create a new website, featuring a multifunctionality and design. We will do our best to make it interesting for our clients.

You can find everything (almost everything) about  Greece, Crete and everything related to the Time does not cost in place, and we try to go in step with time. Our furs shop Diamond Furs exists on fur market since 1988 and  we want to provide all the information necessary for our clients. Today, without departing from the computer, people, regardless of location, can get any information about furs, leather, fashion, as well  vacation in Crete. Also you can find a lot of useful information for you and your family on our webpage.

 Since of the Byzantine Empire Greece is famous for its furriers. Therefore, many tourists want to combine needs with pleasure, to rest and relax and buy a fur coat. Here we will be useful to you. Here you rest.

This way you kill two hare: you get the information you need, save time and money, and take fluffy beauty - buy a fur coat. All our employees are professionals in their field, with excellent knowledge of Russian language and, the most important, they love their work.

On our webpage in Collection section you can see some fur coats  of  Diamond Furs’ collection. No doubt, fur (and leather) has always been an expensive pleasure, especially when we talk about fashionable fur and leather clothes. Therefore, in Diamond Furs you will find a wide range of both fashionable and classic models of furs and leather garments. We guarantee the highest quality of our products, because only auction fur skins are used for their manufacturing.

We will be very glad to see you not only on our website, but also in our stores on Crete island.